Last Week

The blog website is now set up. You are staring at it right now.

Tools used:

What does this mean in English?

  1. I write my blog entries in a file in a format called Markdown.
  2. I save the aforementioned file on Github.
  3. Github tells Cloudflare Workers that a new entry has just been uploaded.
  4. Cloudflare Workers start the Hugo application, whose code also lives on Github. The Hugo files also contain files that change the way the blog looks (Paper Mod).
  5. Hugo reads the Markdown file I uploaded to Github and generates the website files.
  6. Hugo saves the website files in a service called Cloudflare Pages. The website is now made.
  7. The website is accessible at, which is a domain owned by Cloudflare.
  8. I ask Cloudflare to also send people who visit to the website.

Next Week

Set up the development environment. Build and run a sample Android application.